X marks the spot is the seventeenth level of the Taxing difficulty in Lemmings.
Another déjà vu level. If you found "I've lost that Lemming feeling" a tad tough for "Fun" difficulty earlier, get ready because this one's even harder!
First, you'll notice there are no Blockers. Hmm. You must utilize two Miners to dig out tunnels which'll prevent your Lemmings march into the hot molten lava (the Miners will stop when they hit steel, so plan this just right). When the first Lemming walking to the left reaches the wall, make it bash. And since you have no Blockers whatsoever, you must utilize a second Lemming walking to the left to build a ramp behind him, so no Lemmings will follow the Basher.
Look out when the Basher reaches the vertical pit with the flamethrower. You have no Diggers either, so once again, use a Miner skill when it is nearby. Once he has broken through, a Builder skill must be applied, and then, a Basher skill (if it turns back, use a Builder skill in the tunnel to make him go to the left again). The rest of the level involves more Basher skills to the lower left exit, and a Miner skill on the crowd, so they will get through the ramp they built earlier, and reach the exit.
Version differences[]
- Atari Lynx
- Only has 40 Lemmings and 36 must be saved.
- The right-hand side of the level is missing.
- ZX Spectrum
- Smaller map with much of the right half and its hidden exit removed.
- There is only one exit and it's at the bottom.
- No writing.
- 2006 Remake
- Smaller map with much of the right half and its hidden exit removed.
- Diggers instead of miners.
- No flamethrower.
Access codes[]
- Acorn Archimedes / Atari Lynx: DRIVEUKCAR
- This map is also used in level 23 of the Fun difficulty, I've lost that Lemming feeling.
- As well as the two obvious exits on the left, there is also a hidden exit on the right, underneath the X below the word "EXIT" as an Easter egg. It is possible (though difficult) to guide the Lemmings through this exit.
- This map is the 42nd level on the Spectrum version of Lemmings and the 12th level in the Taxing difficulty.