Lemmings Wiki

Which Trampoline?
Difficulty Taxing
Level # 9
No. of Lemmings 80
To be Saved 90% (72 Lemmings)
Time 7 Minutes
Level Chronology
Previous Rescue Team
Next It's the Name of the Game

Which Trampoline? is the 9th level of the Taxing difficulty and the 49th level overall in 3D Lemmings.



Turn the first lemming into a Turner sending lemmings to the right, before he walks off the starting platform. Let your lemmings bounce across the map, then make the lead lemming a Turner sending lemmings left before he walks off the last platform. Let your lemmings bounce two platforms ahead, then make the lead lemming a Turner, sending lemmings left, before he walks off the platform. Let your lemmings bounce to one platform, then make the lead lemming a Turner sending lemmings right. When the lead lemming gets to the next platform, make it a Turner sending lemmings right. Your lemmings will now bounce off the taller structure and land on a blue and orange platform. When the lead lemming turns around after hitting a wall, make it a Turner sending lemmings right towards the exit. Nuke your six Turners when there are no more lemmings walking around.

Access codes[]

  • PC / Playstation: MUSQUASH
  • Sega Saturn: CANTREAD