Lemmings Wiki

The Prima Publishing Level is the 1st level of the Tricky difficulty from the demo disk included with the Lemmings: The Official Companion strategy guide book.


Use a blocker or create a builder wall to keep lemmings contained. Send an athlete over the first "P" to act as your trailblazer. Bash through the rest of the letters in "PRIMA" then build to seal the small gap between the floor and triangle in the center. Build up to the top of the ribbon, then mine through the "SECRETS OF THE GAMES" logo, being sure to clear the other small gap. Bash through all the letters in "PUBLISHING" then finally the first "P" to free the crowd.

About Prima[]

  • Prima Publishing, now called Prima Games, was the publisher of Lemmings: The Official Companion. The company is a division of Random House focused on game strategy guides.
