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The Fruity Column

The Fruity Column
Statistics (Lemmings Touch)
Difficulty Easy
Column 2
Level # 10
No. of Lemmings 27
Requirements (Lemmings Touch)
One Star 10 Lemmings, 2:30
Two Stars 20 Lemmings, 1:30
Three Stars 26 Lemmings, 0:45
Level Chronology (Lemmings Touch)
Previous Crystal point
Next Lemmingology

The Fruity Column is the tenth level of the Easy difficulty in Lemmings Touch. As part of the second column of Easy, it is unlocked after at least five stars are attained from levels in the first column.


The Lemmings start atop a box, walking right towards the moving slidable next to the edge of the box. Zoom out to see both the box and the platform at the right of the level, which has the Exit portal. As soon as the last Lemming falls onto the moving slidable, quickly drag the slidable so that it is adjacent to the platform at the right. If no Lemmings fall off of the slidable while it is moving, they will all be able to walk to the Exit. No skills provided in the level need to be used.
