Lemmings Wiki

The Catacombs
Difficulty Mayhem
Level # 13
No. of Lemmings 80
To be Saved 50% (40 Lemmings)
Time 10 Minutes
Level Chronology
Previous Raiders of the Lost Lemming
Next Jelly Belly Islands

The Catacombs in the 13th level of the Mayhem difficulty and the 73rd level overall in 3D Lemmings.



Turn the first lemming into a Turner when he reaches the end of the hall, sending lemmings right. At the intersection, make the next lemming a Turner sending lemmings right. The next lemming is made a Turner sending lemmings left once he reaches the torches. Have the current lead lemming build over the Bear Trap then place a Turner at the end of the hall sending lemmings left.

Place additional Turners to navigate the hallway until you reach another intersection with flags, where you must place another Turner sending lemmings left. Place another Turner to guide the lemmings towards another Bear Trap that must be built over, then one more Turner to turn around the next corner.

At the next intersection, place another Turner sending lemmings right. Place one Turner to guide the lemmings towards an intersection, where another Turner must be place to guide lemmings right. Place additional Turners to navigate the hallway until you reach a large room, where one last Turner is needed to steer lemmings left into the exit. 17 Turner skills should have been used in total. Raise the release rate to 99 then Nuke the Turners once enough lemmings made it to the exit.

Access codes[]

  • PC / Playstation: RECKLING
  • Sega Saturn: IKEIMMEL


  • Because this level is indoors, there is no level overview.