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Stop Start

Stop Start
Statistics (Lemmings Touch)
Difficulty Easy
Column 1
Level # 4
No. of Lemmings 50
Requirements (Lemmings Touch)
One Star 10 Lemmings, 6:00
Two Stars 30 Lemmings, 3:20
Three Stars 47 Lemmings, 1:15
Level Chronology (Lemmings Touch)
Previous A to B
Next Lemming toast

Stop Start is the fourth level of the Easy difficulty in Lemmings Touch. As part of the first column of Easy, it is unlocked after Lemtribution is completed.


The Lemmings begin at the top of a box, off of which they will fall. Next to the box is a movable platform. Immediately assign a Blocker to the first Lemming who lands on the left edge of the platform. Assign a Blocker to the second Lemming when it reaches the right edge of the platform. Increase the release rate to its maximum setting. After all other Lemmings are between the Blockers, move the platform right, so that it is next to the perch with the Exit portal. Assign an Exploder to the Blocker on the right. All Lemmings will fall out and walk to the Exit. Eight Blockers and nine Exploders will be left in the skill cloud.
