Lemmings Wiki

Ski Jump
Difficulty Mayhem
Level # 4
No. of Lemmings 20
To be Saved 60% (12 Lemmings)
Time 4 Minutes
Level Chronology
Previous Tower of Lemlab
Next The Prisoner

Ski Jump is the 4th level of the Mayhem difficulty and the 64th level overall in 3D Lemmings. Not to be confused with Ski Jump! from Holiday Lemmings 1994.



Let the lead lemming go up the Rope Slide, then turn it into an Athlete after it bumps off the corner block. After he slides across the ice and faces the mountain again, have him bash through it, which will reveal a secret passage. After he slides through and lands on a patch of grass, make him build.

Switch to camera 3. When the Athlete makes it on top of the floating platform, turn him into a Turner sending lemmings left. Have one of the lemmings trapped on the mountain peak bash through the block opposite to where the Athlete went. After the lead lemming slid off the mountain and is turned by the Turner, make it a Turner as well, sending lemmings left. The new lead lemming must now build back to the mountain so that the other lemmings can reach the real exit. Some lemmings will fall off before the ramp is complete, this is inevitable. Nuke the Turners afterwards.

Access codes[]

  • PC / Playstation: MAROCAIN
  • Sega Saturn: QUATRAIN


  • One of the exits on this level is fake.