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Pitfall | |
Statistics | |
Difficulty | Present |
Level # | 26 |
No. of Lemmings | 50 |
To be Saved | 100% (50 Lemmings) |
Time | 5 Minutes |
Level Chronology | |
Previous | Underground City |
Next | Try anything once. |
Pitfall is the twenty-sixth level of the Present difficulty in the Genesis/Mega Drive port of Lemmings.
As the level name implies, there are mistakes you can easily make in this level, if you don't anticipate them. First, don't count on using the hole in the terrain beneath the arch of balls, because if you bash out of this, you will head straight for the lava. Second, if you fall straight down from the balcony, you will also hit lava.
One lemming will proceed, while another lemming will dig a hole to contain the crowd. You'll need to experiment with the specifics of your port, to determine which task the first and second lemming will do. You can also let the first lemming go, and dig in rising terrain with the second lemming, so that the third lemming stays in the digger's hole. Build to stop the Digger, once the hole is deep enough to catch lemmings in both directions. Do not dig low enough that you'll hit the opening beneath the ball arch.
Returning to your Trailblazer, build a bridge from the balcony that crosses about half of the gap, and fall to the red/gray terrain below. Bash through the brick wall, and build over the first gap with one bridge. Then aim the remaining bridges so you build to the exit without turning around. Ideally, you can build the final bridge to the exit with just two builders, so your remaining Builder skill is a spare. Release the crowd with a Basher. If lucky, you'll bash directly to the right and exit the hole. If unlucky, you have a spare Basher and Builder skill to recover from the error, and bash a second time to exit the Digger's pit.
Access code[]
BSNQH (America) / HMLDH (Europe)