Lemmings Wiki
Libre part two present08

Difficulty SUNSOFT
Level # 6
No. of Lemmings 60
To be Saved 80% (48 Lemmings)
Time 5 Minutes
Level Chronology
Previous Watch your step
Next Everyone turn left (Part two)

Libra is the sixth level in the SUNSOFT difficulty rating for Lemmings on the Genesis.


For the top left area, use a Blocker to prevent Lemmings from walking into the Spinner Hazard.

Then use multiple Blockers and Bombers to allow Lemmings to travel vertically (from the top left area into the lower area) and horizontally (remove lower part of the vertical pillar).

For maximum efficiency, aim for the edge in the top right area where the blocks and the diagonal rail connect, opening up a path for all Lemmings to use.

Access code[]

ZQMSX (America) / GWMYL (Europe)


  • This map is also used in level 8 of the Present difficulty in the Genesis/Mega Drive port of Lemmings.