Lemmings Wiki

King Coder's Tomb
Difficulty Tricky
Level # 20
No. of Lemmings 60
To be Saved 83% (50 Lemmings)
Time 10 Minutes
Level Chronology
Previous Stilt Walkers
Next Spaghetti Junction (Taxing)

King Coder's Tomb is the 20th and final level of the Tricky difficulty and the 40th level overall in 3D Lemmings.



Let the lemmings hit the corners and walk to the opposite side of the pyramid. Make the first lemming a Turner so that he steers the lemmings into the entrance with lemming faces carved around it. The first lemming to make it across the hallway must be made a Turner, guiding lemmings to the right. While the lemmings walk up the ramp and march around the pyramid, feel free to raise the release rate to 99.

The first lemming to approach the hole in the ground (which is in fact the initial entrance with the lemming face carvings) should build over it. After your lemmings walk up a steep incline, they will have skipped ahead to the fourth floor. Have the lead lemming dig down to get to the third floor. Eventually your lemmings will come out of an opening located one floor below the exit, so make the lead lemming a Turner guiding lemmings to the right. The first lemming to make it to the top floor should be made a Turner after hitting the corner to send lemmings to the right. One more Turner is then needed to send lemmings left towards the exit. Nuke the Turners when there are no more lemmings walking around.

Version differences[]

  • The sky is orange instead of blue.

Level Completion[]


You will be awarded the Tricky level trophy with the following text listed above:

You Have Completed All The Tricky Levels

A cut scene will then play depicting a lemming dressed as an archaeologist scaling a pyramid. Once at the top, he comes face to face with a stone Ankh which begins to show static when a trapdoor opens beneath his feet. The lemming plummets down a long chute and land inside a tomb within the pyramid. The lemming stands up and checks his surroundings when a sarcophagus opens up and a lemming-shaped mummy begins walking out, arms outstretched. The screen zooms in on the lemming's face as he panics and escapes by crashing through the tomb's wall, leaving behind a cutout perfectly shaped like his body. The mummy then collapses on the floor, as the lemming's hat finally makes its way down the chute.

Access codes[]

  • PC / Playstation: DUNCEDOM
  • Sega Saturn: BIERHAUS