Lemmings Wiki

Good game! Good game!
Level # 5
No. of Lemmings 40
Level Chronology
Previous Game on! Choose your tactics.
Next The Rubbish Dump

Good game! Good game! is the fifth level in the 2-Player game of Lemmings.

The name to this level comes from a catchphrase of Bruce Forsyth. This is an interesting level which requires a bit of work to get to the exit and you have to watch out for your opponent. The player in the lead can dig out the ground under the trapdoor to prevent their opponent catching up. The bit that you build to first can make a great spot to place a blocker to stop your opponent as he needs to build around or dig under to get by the blocker. They won't splatter when climbing over the big stone and falling on the other side.

Game 2-Player Levels
Lemmings There can be only one ā€¢ Still everything to play for ā€¢ Battle at Midway (Amiga Demo) ā€¢ In the thick of the fray ā€¢ Game on! Choose your tactics. ā€¢ Good game! Good game! ā€¢ The Rubbish Dump ā€¢ and the winner is..... ā€¢ Any chance of a truce? ā€¢ Now use miners and climbers (Genesis) ā€¢ The Pipe Room... ā€¢ Joy joy joy (Genesis) ā€¢ The Rope Bridge ā€¢ Just for fun or to the death? ā€¢ A task for blockers and bomber (Genesis) ā€¢ Crystal Cavern Mark II ā€¢ Cross-over Point ā€¢ The Passing Place ā€¢ Take what you can, when you can ā€¢ The Hammock... ā€¢ A task for blockers and bomber ā€¢ Islands in the Sky ā€¢ May the craftiest player win ā€¢ We're in this one together
Oh No! More Lemmings The Duel ā€¢ Match Of The Day ā€¢ Confrontation ā€¢ The Only Way Out ā€¢ Showdown! ā€¢ Test Of Skill ā€¢ Give And Take ā€¢ Co-operation ā€¢ One On One ā€¢ I Want It All