Lemmings Wiki

Fun Fair
Difficulty Mayhem
Level # 16
No. of Lemmings 40
To be Saved 63% (25 Lemmings)
Time 5 Minutes
Level Chronology
Previous Hole in One, Two, Three!
Next Critical Path

Fun Fair is the 16th level of the Mayhem difficulty and the 76th level overall in 3D Lemmings.



Raise the release rate to 78 and make the 2nd to 7th lemmings Climbers so that they go over the obstacle and into the Junction. Meanwhile, have the first lemming build up to the ferris wheel with one Builder skill. Once inside the wheel, build again once to get at the same height as the next spoke, then turn your Builder into a Turner once he walks onto a black tile, guiding lemmings right. Turn the second lemming into a Turner when he steps on the drive rim so that he also sends lemmings right, up onto the spoke.

Turn the lead Climber of the group that went left into a Turner once he reaches the top of the wheel support, sending the other Climbers towards the center (the group that went right have a corner block that will allow them to climb the center spoke). When the second Climber of the left group drops onto a diagonal spoke, make him dig.

Switch to camera 4. When the lead Climber of the right group reaches the top of the ferris wheel, let him walk across then make him a Turner sending lemmings left. The second Climber of that group must be made a Blocker once he's past halfway down the downward side of the ferris wheel, while the third Climber turns around and mines away part of the top of the ferris wheel, which will reveal the exit (this Climber won't survive the fall afterwards). Have one of the last lemmings in line below build up to the exit (making sure no lemmings walk up his ramp as he's working), then make him a Turner once on top of the spoke to guide the other lemmings into the exit. Nuke the Turners and Blocker once enough lemmings are saved.

Access codes[]

  • PC / Playstation: BIMBASHI
  • Sega Saturn: FOLLICLE