Fix the road, quick! is the ninth level of the Present difficulty in the Genesis/Mega Drive port of Lemmings.
Build a bridge as stretched as possible to complete the first gap. One Lemming will fall through to the stairs below. The builder will turn around, and the third Lemming from the hatch will walk along the upper stairs. Let the third Lemming start the bridge to the high stairs to the right. Have the second Lemming turn around, and complete the gap. Continue with the next Lemmings to complete the gap, so none of them fall in the abyss. Complete the bridge to the high staircase. Build over the gap to the Y-formation staircase in a manner that they can turn around. You can allow a maximum of 6 Lemmings to die, so it is a matter of timing to get this right, and the use of your spare builders to slow down Lemmings. Use one of your spare builders to turn a lemming around early, and complete the build over the small gap on the way to the Exit portal, before the rest of the Lemmings get there.
100% solution[]
Stack Builders on top of the stairs of the first staircase while they aim to close the first gap. The builder stack and stairstep will become a blockade for crowd control. Turn all but one of them around, and let the one Lemming be the scout who completes the path to the exit. You can either build to the Y-formation stairs, or you can build before the high gap, and let the final bridge to the exit catch Lemmings as they fall from the high gap on their walk to the exit. One builder, properly aimed and placed, will let the remaining crowd step out of the blockade.
- This map is also used in level 23 of the Fun difficulty in the Genesis/Mega Drive port of Lemmings.