Lemmings Wiki

Final Maze
Difficulty Mayhem
Level # 20
No. of Lemmings 40
To be Saved 63% (25 Lemmings)
Time 10 Minutes
Level Chronology
Previous Tuther Circus Level
Next Ending

Final Maze is the 20th level of the Mayhem difficulty as well as the 80th and final level of 3D Lemmings.



Make the first lemming a Turner after he has dropped off the first set of stairs, sending lemmings right. Make the second lemming a Turner just before the catapult, sending lemmings left back on the grass. The first lemming to to arrive at the wall must bash through it.

Once through the wall, the lemming will hit a series of corner blocks but eventually come right back to where the Basher's tunnel ended. Have the lead lemming bash through the first corner block he hit. You can replace the corner block with a Turner sending lemmings right once a path to the exit has been made. Make the Basher a Turner sending lemmings left before he starts bashing through the intersecting walls.

Have a lemming build over the pine trees. Then use two more Turners to guide the lemmings into the exit (the ice is harmless). Nuke the Turners once enough lemmings have made it to the exit.

Alternate strategy[]

Make the first lemming a Turner just before he hits the one-way obstacle, sending lemmings right. The second lemming must bash through the wall under the sphere, then make it a Turner before he falls in the water, sending lemmings left. Use three more Turner skills to get around the wall and head towards the pine trees near the exit. Build over the pine trees, then make the lead lemming a Turner to direct the lemmings towards the exit. Nuke the Turners once enough lemmings made it to the exit.

Access codes[]

  • PC / Playstation: BABIRUSA
  • Sega Saturn: BEANCURD

Game Completion[]

After completing this level, the following messages will come up.


CONGRATULATIONS! You Have Completed The Mayhem Levels.

The game will then tally up your number of game attempts, lemmings killed, lemmings saved and game time.

Then, the following text will appear, accompanied by a slideshow of the number of each skill used during your playthrough.

Thank You For Playing 3D Lemmings


You will be awarded the Mayhem level trophy with the following text shown below:

You Have Completed All The Mayhem Levels

Afterwards, a cut scene will play. It shows a male and female lemming entering a hedge maze as an insect flies past them. The couple follows it into the maze, later walking past a sign that says "exit". However the exit sign magically points in the opposite direction after the lemmings walk on. The couple is then seen standing before some mirrors that show the previous cut scenes, when the female is distracted again by the insect and wanders off on her own after it. In her pursuit, part of the hedge maze rematerializes behind her, separating her from the male. The two lemmings are seen searching for one another to no avail, and the female breaks into tears. Shortly after none the less, they are reunited at the exit and embrace. The screen then irises-out in a heart symbol.

This is followed by the text CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE COMPLETED 3D LEMMINGS with Bombers exploding in the background (instead of fireworks).


  • As well as being the last level, this is the last Maze style level in 3D Lemmings.
  • In this level any lemming that hits a wall after being thrown by a catapult explodes with his eyes closed and his cheeks and body inflated on impact.