Lemmings Wiki

Ferry Across The Lemming

Ferry Across The Lemming
Statistics (Lemmings Touch)
Difficulty Easy
Column 3
Level # 12
No. of Lemmings 100
Requirements (Lemmings Touch)
One Star 50 Lemmings, 5:30
Two Stars 75 Lemmings, 4:00
Three Stars 95 Lemmings, 2:30
Level Chronology (Lemmings Touch)
Previous Lemmingology
Next Let's block and blow

Ferry Across The Lemming is the twelfth level of the Easy difficulty in Lemmings Touch. As part of the third column of Easy, it is unlocked after at least five stars are attained from levels in the second column.


The Lemmings begin at the top of a floating platform at the right side of the level, and they are walking right. Assign a Blocker to the first Lemming who spawns once it is to the right of the Entrance portal. At the other side of the gap to the left of the platform, there is large, hollow object with a moving slidable next to it. Move the slidable to be adjacent to the floating platform before any Lemmings fall off.

Assign a Blocker to the next Lemming immediately after it lands on the slidable. The other Lemmings should walk past it. Assign a Blocker to the next Lemming to land on the slidable, once it is at the center of the slidable. Set the release rate to its maximum setting. After all Walker Lemmings are between the Blockers, move the slidable back to be adjacent to the large object.

Assign an Exploder to the Blocker at the center of the slidable to free the Lemmings. The Exit portal is in a room at the bottom center of the large object. This room is separated from the Lemmings by five pillars composing the large object. Assign a Basher to a Lemming facing left at each of these pillars. After all pillars are bashed through, the Lemmings will be able to reach the Exit.

