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Lemmings Wiki
Crystal point
Statistics (Lemmings Touch)
Difficulty Easy
Column 2
Level # 9
No. of Lemmings 10
Requirements (Lemmings Touch)
One Star 5 Lemmings, 6:00
Two Stars 7 Lemmings, 4:30
Three Stars 9 Lemmings, 3:00
Level Chronology (Lemmings Touch)
Previous More Bounce to the Ounce
Next The Fruity Column

Crystal point is the seventh Special level in the 2006 remake of Lemmings. It is also the ninth level of the Easy difficulty in Lemmings Touch; as part of the second column, it is unlocked after five stars are attained from levels in the first column.


Allow the first the second Lemmings to walk left of the Entrance portal. Assign a Blocker to the second Lemming. Assign a Basher to the first Lemming when it is next to the pipe. Assign a Builder to the Lemming after it is done and walks onto the diagonal ledge. Assign a Basher to the Lemming when it is facing the wall of the hanging pipe, then assign a Builder to it at the left edge to get it to the next hanging pipe.

Assign a Basher to the Lemming at the next hanging pipe, then assign a Builder to it at the left edge; assign another Builder to the Builder Lemming when it runs out of stairs. The Builder will have completed the path to the Exit portal. Assign an Exploder to the Blocker to get all Lemmings to the Exit portal.

100% strategy[]

To save 100% of the Lemmings, instead of assigning an Exploder to the Blocker, unfoot it by assigning a Digger or Miner to a left-facing Lemming who is next to the Blocker, then assign a Basher to the Digger or Miner.
