Catch more floaters. is the nineteenth level of the Fun difficulty in the Genesis/Mega Drive port of Lemmings. It takes the place of the level Take good care of my Lemmings from the original game.
Turn all 10 Lemmings into Floaters as they fall from the Entrance portal. Send one lemming to climb the steel wall, and use a Blocker/Bomber to blow through the thin vertical line. Send another lemming to bash through the crystals, build across the gap, and dig/mine to the exit. Make all the lemmings Athletes to climb and follow the path. In the Genesis port, lemmings will turn around on the left edge of the level, if you assign them Climber skills in the wrong direction.
100% strategy[]
Instead of a Blocker/Bomber, use a Digger to dig right up against the thin vertical line and crash on the steel to stop, to open a path through the thin vertical line. This lemming proceeds as the Trailblazer, who bashes, builds, and mines. One miner, properly placed, can cut through the blocks to get to the exit.