Lemmings Wiki

Big Bowl Of Fun

Big Bowl Of Fun
Statistics (Lemmings Touch)
Difficulty Easy
Column 3
Level # 15
No. of Lemmings 100
Requirements (Lemmings Touch)
One Star 80 Lemmings, 6:30
Two Stars 90 Lemmings, 5:00
Three Stars 98 Lemmings, 3:30
Level Chronology (Lemmings Touch)
Previous Another One Bites The Dust
Next One man does all the hard work

Big Bowl Of Fun is the fifteenth and final level of the Easy difficulty in Lemmings Touch. As part of the third column of Easy, it is unlocked after at least five stars are attained from levels in the second column.


The Lemmings begin at the top left portion of a large destructible candy bowl, walking right. Assign a Digger to the first Lemming at a point where its path will fall between the two leftmost purple blocks and the two purple blocks in the middle. Once it has dug far enough so that Lemmings fall into its hole, assign a Builder to the Digger to stop it and allow the other Lemmings to fall into the hole. Set the release rate to its maximum setting to quickly get all Lemmings into the hole.

Once all Lemmings are in the hole, assign a Digger to any Lemming who is walking right. Once the Digger is far down enough such that it is level with the destructible gap to the right, assign a Basher to it (the Basher will remember the direction it was facing before). As soon as the Basher reaches the end of the candy, assign a Builder to it. Assign another Builder skill to the Builder runs out of stairs, and do so again when it runs into the purple wall to its right and turns around. Assign a Builder skill to the Builder again once it runs into the purple wall to its left, and do so again for the next two times it runs out of stairs. All Lemmings will be able to walk to the Exit portal.
