Lemmings Wiki

Battle at Midway
Level # 2
No. of Lemmings 40
Level Chronology
Previous There can be only one
Next Good game! Good game! (Arcade Prototype)

Battle at Midway is the second level in the 2-player game of Lemmings in the Amiga Demo. It's also the 4th level in the Arcade Prototype version of Lemmings.

Game 2-Player Levels
Lemmings There can be only one ā€¢ Still everything to play for ā€¢ Battle at Midway (Amiga Demo) ā€¢ In the thick of the fray ā€¢ Game on! Choose your tactics. ā€¢ Good game! Good game! ā€¢ The Rubbish Dump ā€¢ and the winner is..... ā€¢ Any chance of a truce? ā€¢ Now use miners and climbers (Genesis) ā€¢ The Pipe Room... ā€¢ Joy joy joy (Genesis) ā€¢ The Rope Bridge ā€¢ Just for fun or to the death? ā€¢ A task for blockers and bomber (Genesis) ā€¢ Crystal Cavern Mark II ā€¢ Cross-over Point ā€¢ The Passing Place ā€¢ Take what you can, when you can ā€¢ The Hammock... ā€¢ A task for blockers and bomber ā€¢ Islands in the Sky ā€¢ May the craftiest player win ā€¢ We're in this one together
Oh No! More Lemmings The Duel ā€¢ Match Of The Day ā€¢ Confrontation ā€¢ The Only Way Out ā€¢ Showdown! ā€¢ Test Of Skill ā€¢ Give And Take ā€¢ Co-operation ā€¢ One On One ā€¢ I Want It All