Lemmings Wiki

Backroutes are unintended solutions present within a level.  These can be trivial, but sometimes they are very complicated.  These appear a lot in all the official Lemmings games, especially 3D Lemmings.  In custom levels, backroutes are usually found by players quite quickly and therefore, must be fixed by the author.

Backrouted levels in Lemmings[]


If at first you don't succeed..: The level has 3 pillars for the lemmings to get past, but only 2 Bashers. The intended solution appears to involve some cleverness with a Miner to get past one of the pillars, but instead, one Trailblazer lemming can simply dig several pixels down before climbing the stairs to the first pillar and bash once to make it all the way to the chasm. The player can even use two Builders to cancel the Basher, since the 6 remaining builders are just enough to clear the level. Despite the somewhat tight timer, the player still has more than enough time to complete the level easily.

Compression Method 1: Because of corrosion of steel, it's possible to avoid the compressors altogether.

Tribute to M.C.Escher: Because of corrosion of steel, it's possible to bash against the arrows.


Poles Apart: It is just barely possible to build up to the ceiling. The level is then solved by bashing a long tunnel through the ceiling, and digging precisely above the exit so that lemmings don't splat.

The Far Side: Because of corrosion of steel, it's possible to avoid the obstacles below.

Stepping Stones: It is possible to build a zigzag staircase up to the ceiling, followed by bashing a long tunnel through the ceiling to the exit. This solution is not possible in some versions of Lemmings.

Mind the step Part 1: (Atari Lynx port's Special Replacement Level) and Mind the step.....: Because of corrosion of steel, it's possible to avoid the obstacles below.

Save Me: In the Sega Master System version of the game, it is possible to build on the surface of water, allowing ladders to be built to the left of the initial platform. This is the result of a glitch rather than the design of the level.

Backrouted levels in Oh No! More Lemmings[]


Dolly Dimple: The number of builders given to the player would suggest that the intended solution is to have a lemming climb on top of the left pillar, dig through it, then build an extended bridge underneath the platform for the other lemmings to safely land on. However, the level can also be beaten by having a lemming dig to the bottom of the left pillar, then using a builder and digging through it to create a small step for the other lemmings. The other lemmings can then simply build over the top of the left pillar and have their fall broken by the step.

KEEP ON TRUCKING: If the rest of the first ten Crazy-rated levels are any indication, you're supposed to use all the blockers and just barely make it. Instead, if you build the right way, you can bash the crystals and get directly to the exit with more than enough.


PoP YoR ToP!!!: Due to too many tunneling skills (i.e. basher, miner and digger), success is possible without using bombers.

Ice Station Lemming: Because of the scenery, success is possible without using the top half to save the bottom.

Mutiny On The Bounty: Lemmings are supposed to fall through the slack chain as they walk across it, so a builder is normally required to get across. However, in the Windows version of the game, Lemmings will not fall through the chain. This gives the player an extra builder to work with and more freedom with the solution.


Inroducing SUPERLEMMING: Judging by the number of skills available, the intended solution is to bash through to the large cavity behind the exit, then use a builder and climber to reach the exit (this solution will use every skill available). However, it is also possible to build directly to the exit from the final suspended platform by using diggers and bashers to stop the lemming from hitting his head on the lowered ceiling.

Oh No! It's the 4TH DIMENSION!: In some versions of the game, such as the Windows version, it is possible for a lemming from the top left entrance to climb over the top of the pillar, which allows for a slightly different solution. This is not normally possible in other versions of the game as Lemmings will hit their head on the top of the screen.

PoP TiL YoU DrOp!: Same as PoP YoR ToP!!!


Be more than just a number: In some versions of the game, such as the Windows version, it is possible to solve the level by sending a climber over the top of the screen to create a bridge for safe landing, followed by having the rest of the lemmings build over the top of screen. This is not normally possible in other versions of the game as Lemmings will hit their head on the top of the screen.

HIGHLAND FLING: Multiple solutions are possible, including an "upstairs" solution which involves bashing through the top of the screen to reach the exit, and a "downstairs" solution which involves digging underneath the weeds, and using a builder to close the gap between the rocks and trees at the bottom of the screen. A blocker and bomber can then be used to allow the lemmings up.

Scaling the Heights: A few alternative solutions are possible, some of which involve building a ladder underneath the exit up to the rock at the far left.

Where Lemmings Dare: It is possible to bash across the top of the level, even though it looks like this would be impossible due to the steel blocks, which allows an alternative solution.

Backrouted levels in Lemmings 2: The Tribes[]

In general, one major clue to a backroute to an L2 level is a Gold requirement that can be beaten, because these are supposed to be the most you can get out of any one level.

Polar Tribe[]

Snowed In !: You can lose four lemmings and still get Gold. That, and the presence of four Exploders suggest that you're supposed to use them all to save the rest, by blowing through three obstacles. Instead, due to too many terrain pieces, nobody needs to die on the right-hand side.

Space Tribe[]

Perpetual motion: If the presence of the Exploder is any indication, along with the possibility to lose one lemming and still get the Gold, you are supposed to use two scouts, and Explode one. However, one island is placed too high, and at a safe falling distance, so it's possible to do this level with only one scout.

Sports Tribe[]

Blow Back....: Without the small pit and the Filler to get the lemmings out of it, the level would still be possible, but the player would have to wait before releasing the horde. With the Filler, however, a shortcut is possible that avoids all the steam clouds.
