Lemmings Wiki

All around the watchtower
Difficulty Tricky
Level # 8
No. of Lemmings 80
To be Saved 75% (60 Lemmings)
Time 10 Minutes
Level Chronology
Previous Follow the yellow brick road
Next Land Ahoy

All around the watchtower is the 8th level of the Tricky difficulty and the 28th level overall in 3D Lemmings.



Raise the release rate to 91. Your lemmings will pass through a Splitter Block located at the bottom of the titular watch tower and alternate between turning left and right. Turn the first lemming from the group going left into a Bomber so that he clears the lowest part of the stone construct. This will cause the other lemmings to turn around. Meanwhile, make a lemming of the group going right dig away the first half of the pit before he falls in it. This should free the others.

As lemmings head back to the watch tower, they will begin alternating between left and right again. Turn the first lemming going back to the entrance into a Blocker so that the others don't fall into the water. Finally, have one lemming heading towards the exit bash through the stone wall blocking it. Then... you may as well put the level on fast forward and go grab yourself some tea and biscuits as it will take well over half the allotted time for your lemmings to all make it to the exit. Nuke your Blocker as early as when enough lemmings make it to the exit.

Access codes[]

  • PC / Playstation: HOMALOID
  • Sega Saturn: FEARLESS