Lemmings Wiki

Alien Abduction

Alien Abduction
Statistics (Lemmings Touch)
Difficulty Taxing
Column 1
Level # 5
No. of Lemmings 100
Requirements (Lemmings Touch)
One Star 85 Lemmings, 5:40
Two Stars 90 Lemmings, 4:40
Three Stars 95 Lemmings, 3:40
Level Chronology (Lemmings Touch)
Previous There's a lot of them about
Next Square Triangle

Alien Abduction is the fifth level of the Taxing difficulty in Lemmings Touch. As part of the first column of Taxing, it is unlocked after at least fifty stars are attained from levels in the Tricky difficulty.


The Lemmings begin on a floating platform at the level's top left. Assign a Blocker to the second Lemming shortly after it emerges. Assign a Basher to the first Lemming when it is next to the wall on the platform's right edge. The Basher will land on a floating platform with a curved tip; assign a Builder to it when it is at this platform's tip. The Builder will land on a similar platform; assign a Builder to it when it is at this platform's tip.

The Builder will land on yet another platform. Assign a Builder to it when it is at this platform's right edge. It will land on one more floating platform, heading safely downward into a pit with a Cannon. Position the Cannon so it is aimed toward the top of a platform with the Exit portal. Back at the start, assign a Miner to any Lemming who is next to and directly facing the Blocker. Once the Blocker is free, assign a Builder to the Miner. All Lemmings will be able to reach the Exit.
