Lemmings Wiki
A to B
Statistics (Lemmings Touch)
Difficulty Easy
Column 1
Level # 3
No. of Lemmings 2
Requirements (Lemmings Touch)
One Star 1 Lemming, 2:00
Two Stars 2 Lemmings, 1:30
Three Stars 2 Lemmings, 1:10
Level Chronology (Lemmings Touch)
Previous Trampoline Heaven
Next Stop Start

A to B is the twelfth Special level in the 2006 remake of Lemmings. It is also the third level of the Easy difficulty in Lemmings Touch


Assign Climbers to both Lemmings and allow them to climb over the first pipe. Assign a Basher to the first Lemming when it reaches the middle pipe. Both Lemmings should reach the Exit portal with 3 seconds left.


  • This is the only level in the 2006 remake with a 1-minute time limit, since all of the original levels had theirs extended.