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A Bridge Over Lemming Slaughter
Difficulty Special
Level # 29
No. of Lemmings 10
To be Saved 9
Time 5:00
Level Chronology
Previous Float in Light, at Lemming Head Height
Next The stairs are not floored

A Bridge Over Lemming Slaughter is the twenty-ninth Special level in the 2006 remake of Lemmings.


Have the first lemming dig immediately after landing. The second will escape the pit, which can be the one allowable loss, or you can have it mine and build to save it. If you do, you will need it to bash through the starting pillar. Have the first lemming build to stop digging. Make a left-facing lemming into an athlete and build over the Spinner Hazard. Build into the left wall to turn around, then build over the spinner again from the second steel block from the right wall. Bash through the left wall, build over the gap to the exit, then bash to free the rest of the lemmings.


This level's name is a play on the 1970 Simon & Garfunkel album Bridge over Troubled Water.

