Lemmings Wiki

A Block from Home is the ninth level of the Flurry difficulty in Holiday Lemmings 1993.


Block off the left-hand end and bash through the snowball pyramid. Build as necessary to keep from falling in the gap between the steel blocks; then build over the steel.

Or, if you prefer, dig between the steel and bash to emerge underneath. It may be necessary to build to stop.

Version differences[]

  • There are no small gaps between the snowballs in the pyramid.

Xmas & Holiday Lemmings Levels
1991 Merry Christmas Mr Lemming ā€¢ Christmas Bonus ā€¢ Time waits for no Lemming ā€¢ This Corrosion ā€¢ DIGGING FOR VICTORY ā€¢ AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!
1992 Jingle Lemming ā€¢ Happy Holidays Mr Lemming! ā€¢ A Lemming Holiday ā€¢ The North Poles
1993 Flurry Climbing to the Top! ā€¢ Floating Lemming Flurry ā€¢ Holiday Mining ā€¢ Lemming Tracks in the Snow! ā€¢ Christmas South of the Equator ā€¢ Lemming Snowfall ā€¢ Lemming Snowjourn ā€¢ Clouds of Lemmings ā€¢ Vacation in Gemland ā€¢ A Block from Home ā€¢ 32 Lemmings Below Zero ā€¢ At Home in a Cave ā€¢ Presents of Mind ā€¢ Yo-yo Lem-lem ā€¢ Marshmallow Land ā€¢ Head for the Hills! ā€¢ The Long Way Around
Blitz Oogilemming! ā€¢ Lemmings Up High ā€¢ Check Your Hints! ā€¢ Santus Lemmingus ā€¢ It Came Upon a Lemnight Clear ā€¢ A Single Lemming... ā€¢ Break on through... ā€¢ Presents of Mind II ā€¢ Lemmings...The Motion Picture ā€¢ The Wrath of Lem ā€¢ The Search for Lem ā€¢ The Voyage Home... ā€¢ The Final Frontier ā€¢ The Undiscovered Country ā€¢ The Needs of the Many... ā€¢ The Next Lemeration
1994 Frost Chains of Command ā€¢ Ski Jump! ā€¢ CindyLand ā€¢ Separate Ways ā€¢ Lemming Reunification ā€¢ The Land of the Bizarre ā€¢ Happy New Year! ā€¢ Division Bell ā€¢ Quest for Kieran ā€¢ Four Play ā€¢ Maybe not such a doddle ā€¢ It's Boxing Day! ā€¢ 2 Minutes before midnight ā€¢ Happy New Year II! ā€¢ Plethora of Presents ā€¢ Up on the Rooftops
Hail Go Thataway! ā€¢ Break On Through ā€¢ And a Happy New Year! ā€¢ Lemmintaschen? ā€¢ Get the Point? ā€¢ Surprise Package? ā€¢ Steel Ice Span ā€¢ Sir Edmund Hilemming ā€¢ Up, up, and away! ā€¢ Lemmy in the cold, cold ground ā€¢ Emmings! (No L) ā€¢ Merry Christmaze ā€¢ Polar Expedition ā€¢ Rendezvous II ā€¢ Steel Block Party ā€¢ Peak of Performance