Lemmings Wiki

3rd time lucky
Difficulty Taxing
Level # 1
No. of Lemmings 5
To be Saved 5
Time 3 Minutes
Level Chronology
Previous Don't send me up there! (Tricky)
Next Down and out

3rd time lucky is the first level of the Taxing difficulty in Lemmings (PS3).

This level requires the full version of Lemmings to be played. Aside from this constraint, it is unlocked from the start.


The Lemmings spawn at the uppermost of the level's two floors. At the end of the top floor, there is a wall. The lower floor has a Basher skill and, ahead of it, a row of four Floater skills. Assign a Climber to the first Lemming to enter the level. Assign the Digger to the second Lemming once it is directly above the Basher skill at the lower floor. Make the remaining three Lemmings Climbers as well.

The Climbers will make their way up the wall. Beyond it, there is another section of the top floor. This section has a small wall at its end, which is topped by a spinning saw trap. Once the Digger Lemming reaches the Basher skill, assign the Basher to the first Climber as soon as it is at the small wall.

There is another Basher skill close by the end of the top floor. Assign a Builder to the Climber after it is done bashing, so that it can reach the Basher skill. The Lemming at the bottom floor will pick up the Floater skills; assign these to each of the four Climber Lemmings.

There is a wall at the end of the bottom floor. Once the first Climber has picked up the Basher skill, assign it to the Lemming at the bottom floor as soon as it reaches that wall. The Climbers will be able to float down to the Exit portal, while the Lemming at the bottom floor will be able to walk toward it. Since this Lemming did not need to be a Climber or Floater, there will be one Climber and one Floater left in the inventory.

Difficulty Lemmings (PS3) Levels
Trial Teach me Climbers and Floaters ā€¢ Teach me Builders and Bashers ā€¢ Teach me Bombers and Blockers ā€¢ Teach me Digger and Miner ā€¢ Teach me Lights, Teleport and Cloner ā€¢
Fun Start with nothing, end with nothing ā€¢ Floaters all the way ā€¢ Down and down we go! ā€¢ Give a fellow lem a hand ā€¢ My first teleporter ā€¢ Total eclipse of the lem ā€¢ From the left in order to go right ā€¢ Watch where you dig ā€¢ Watch how you go now ā€¢ Beam me up lemmy ā€¢
Tricky Keep an eye on Mr. Climber ā€¢ A change of direction ā€¢ A thing called lem ā€¢ Hero Lemming to the rescue ā€¢ Lem in a box ā€¢ A nice little puzzle ā€¢ Don't forget the others ā€¢ Lem up and down we go ā€¢ Down the hatch ā€¢ Don't send me up there! ā€¢
Taxing 3rd time lucky ā€¢ Down and out ā€¢ Float on home Mr. Lemming ā€¢ One lazy Lemming ā€¢ Like a lem in a sweet shop ā€¢ Bomb not bash ā€¢ Teleport where Teleport there ā€¢ Lemmy we're going down ā€¢ Follow the light ā€¢ Lem me your ears ā€¢
Mayhem Lem does this Lem does that ā€¢ Lemmy down ā€¢ Lem lift us up ā€¢ Lemmy have another go ā€¢ Burning bridges ā€¢ Plan ahead Mr. Lem ā€¢ Take it from the top ā€¢ Light my path oh hero Lemming ā€¢ Roar of the big machine ā€¢ The lengthy level ā€¢