Lemmings Wiki

2 sides to every story
Level # 6.6
No. of Lemmings 50
To be Saved 80% (40 Lemmings)
Time 10 Minutes
Level Chronology
Previous One Way Ticket
Swings Both Ways
Next The Lone Ranger
Swarthy Seadogs!

2 sides to every story is the 6th level of the 6th column in Lemmings Revolution.


Make the first lemming a Blocker before he steps onto the Anti-Gravity Pad, while the first water lemming is made a Blocker to the left of their entrance. Have a water lemming build up to the one-way wall, then make the Builder Block and bomb when he collides with the wall. Blow through the wall three more times so that the water lemmings can reach their Balloon. Repeat this same strategy for the regular lemmings.

100% strategy[]

Youtuber pirohiko has demonstrated that it is possible to save 100% on this level. [1]
